Vir die beste resultate, ontdooi stadig (oornag) in yskas. Maar as jy haastig is, laat op toonbank in ‘n bak, en knie dikwels om die ontdooide buitenste lae te verwyder en bevrore middel vinniger te laat ontvries. Onthou net, vinnig ontvries veroorsaak kondensasie en jou deeg gaan meer sticky wees. “Flour is your friend”.
Ek dink hulle onderskat die ontvriesproses bietjie. Dit vat baie langer as 30 minute van gevries tot bruikbaar. Die deeg gaan, indien ontvries, nog baie koud wees en die gis gaan beslis nog “slaap”.
Om die fluffiest, ligste vetkoeke te hê, maak asseblief seker dat jou deeg heeltemal ontdooi en kamertemperatuur is, en dit gerys het tot 2 x oorspronklike grootte, voordat jy bak. As die deeg koud is, sal hulle kluitjierig en dig wees. Vra my hoe ek weet. Ek het elke fout in die vetkoek-boek in my 40+ jaar van kook gemaak. Ek het geleer.
As jy haastig is, kan jy ‘n saadjie warmsak in die mikrogolf verhit en onder jou bak plaas. Wees versigtig om nie te oorverhit nie, jy wil nie die deeg kook nie, jy wil net hê dit moet kamertemperatuur bereik. Jy kan dit ook oor ‘n pot of plastiekbak met warm water (NIE op stoof) sit, maar water moenie aan die boonste bak raak nie. Die hitte van die stoom sal help ontdooi. Jy kan ook die half-ontdooide deeg in 2 cm snye sny. Kleiner stukke ontdooi vinniger. HOU BEDEK om te verseker dat die boonste lae nie uitdroog nie. Knie met die hand of masjien versnel ook die warm word proses sonder om dit te kook. Kry die kinders (hande gewas) betrokke, hulle sal dit baie geniet.
Raak aan jou deeg. As dit koud voel, los dit nog ‘n rukkie of knie tot warm. As dit niks kouer as jou hand is nie, is dit gereed. Druk plat of rol uit met ‘n roller op ‘n meelbestrooide oppervlak. Sny in reghoeke, of sny met ‘n tuna blik (albei kante oopgesny), of ‘n groot ronde koekiedrukker. Of vir kleintjies, gebruik net jou grootste koekie snyer. Diegene met Y-chromosome verkies gewoonlik GROOT vetkoeke.
Jy kan ook balle maak en plat druk op ‘n meelbestrooide oppervlak. As die deeg aan jou hande vasklou, sif net oor ‘n bietjie meel. Deeg wat gevries was, is geneig om taaier te wees (klou aan hande) as vars deeg, so ‘n bietjie meel help met die ekstra vog. Laat die deeg sirkels of reghoeke ‘n bietjie rys, vir net solank as wat dit neem om jou olie warm te maak. Dit help met sagter, fluffier vetkoek.
Gebruik ‘n diep pot of pan om spat te voorkom. Om te toets, kan jy ‘n stukkie in die olie toets (as niks oorgebly het, sny een vetkoek in stroke). As dit dadelik opskiet na die oppervlak, is die olie warm genoeg. Jy kan ‘n termometer gebruik en die olie verhit tot ten minste 190°C. As jy jou eerste deeg sirkels in die olie plaas, sal die temperatuur daal tot 180°C, wat optimale vetkoek-bak-temperatuur is. Te warm maak donker vetkoek, te koud maak clunky, soliede en olierige vetkoeke.
As jou deeg afsak en onder bly, is jou olie te koud. Dis die rede vir die toets met ‘n klein stukkie deeg. Plus dit is die Kok se voorreg, hy/sy eet hulle met botter terwyl hy bak, ook die nodige Tong Tippie Toets genoem.
Hol vetkoek:
Om hol vetkoeke te kry, rol die deeg plat uit (pleks van balle platdruk). Gebruik ‘n groot ronde vorm om uit te sny, óf ‘n klein bordjie en sny rondom, of ‘n groot 800 g vrugteblik (bo en onder oopgesny), en gebruik as ‘n oor-grootte koekie snyer. Hierdie sny van die kante verseker dat jy lug inseël. Plaas vetkoek in warm olie en bly warm olie oorskep met ‘n lepel totdat gewenste pof bereik is. Die gis binne kry hitte van bo en onder op hierdie manier, en pof op. Tada…. hol vetkoek. Draai om en bak ander kant.
Plat vetkoek:
Vir diegene wat nie van hol vetkoek hou nie, (hulle bestaan, ek belowe) moenie olie oorgooi nie, maar laat ongesteurd in olie totdat die een kant gaar is, voordat jy dit omdraai. Nie onfeilbaar nie, maar groter kans op plat vetkoeke. Jy kan ook gevormde en gerysde vetkoeke terug in yskas plaas vir 10 minute. Dit sal digter wees, maar hierdie metode laat sommige van die gasse ontsnap deur die ongekookte toplaag, wat lei tot platter vetkoek. Dit sal digter wees, maar die buitenste laag word gaar voordat die hitte die binnedeel bereik om dit te laat rys.
To have the fluffiest, lightest vetkoeke, ensure your dough is completely defrosted and at room temp, and has risen to 2x original size, before shaping and baking. If the dough is fridge cold, they will be dense and never hollow. Use more flour if too sticky.
Hollow puffed up vetkoek:
To have hollow vetkoeks, roll out the dough in one sheet (iso making balls and flatten). Use a big round shape to cut out, either a small plate, cut around, or a large 800 g fruit tin cut open top and bottom, and use as a large cookie cutter. Place rounds in hot oil, keep spooning hot oil over until degree of puffiness is reached. The yeast inside gets quick heat, and puffs before outer layer is cooked. Tada – puffed up vetkoek.
Flat vetkoek:
For those who don’t like puffed vetkoek, do not pour oil over but leave undisturbed until one side is cooked, turn over. Not foolproof but bigger chance of flat vetkoeks. You can also place shaped and risen vetkoeks back in fridge for 15 minutes. May be denser but outer layer cooks before heat reaches inner yeast to puff it up.
Finger food:
If you have a party, bake small vetkoeks day before, (6 cm rounds or squares), refresh next day under a grill for a few minutes, fill with savoury mince or chicken mayo, tuna mayo or any filling.
Turn rolled sausage shapes of dough around a hotdog worsie, pierce the worsie with a thick kebab stick and let kids hold it over hot coals (PLEASE supervise at all times to prevent burns). Instant dinner. You can also do stokbrood around a stick, hold in fire till baked, fill with butter and eat.
Focaccia with Rosemary and Olives:
Roll the dough out into a rectangle, 1 cm thick. Brush dough with olive oil and then top with chopped fresh rosemary and sliced Kalamata olives. Bake at 200°C for 20 – 25 minutes, until golden brown.
For the best ever roosterkoeks, knead dough with freshly chopped garlic, rosemary or thyme. Press flat, ± 3 cm thick, cut in squares and paint with garlic or lemon flavoured olive oil. Braai over mellow coals, not too hot, to allow centre to cook before outer burns.
HINT: bake on buttered foil for first few minutes until outer skin is cooked to prevent falling through rooster. Enjoy with butter.
Bread with cheese dip:
Defrost dough, knead in any herbs of choice (celery salt, rosemary, thyme, garlic etc). Form little balls, dip in garlic butter and place around a small disc of camembert or brie. Cut just into the rind all around the top, not all through. This helps lift it after baking. Reserve one ball to flatten for a lid over the cheese round. Let it rise until doubled in size and bake at 180°C for 20-30 minutes. Remove “lid” which should come off in one piece. Serve with finger food or at a braai.
Defrost dough and let come to room temperature (important), flatten in big round or square, dribble with olive oil and sprinkle over coarse salt and fresh rosemary sprigs. Let rise for 15 minutes and bake for 20 minutes at 180°C. Serve with dips or at a braai as side dish.
Melktert Koeks:
Bake small vetkoeks, next day just warm them for a few minutes in a warm oven. Fill with melktert filling with glaze on top, made from icing sugar and lemon juice drizzled over, makes very nice little finger foods.
Garlic stokbrood:
Mix chopped fresh herbs, olive oil and garlic in a bowl. Cut bacon strips in half lengthwise. Roll small balls into strings, as long as the bacon. Place a length of bacon next to each string of dough. Now roll these together into a spiral. Push a skewer through one or two spirals and baste with the garlic and herb mixture. Grill on medium heat and baste each time you turn.
You can also encase the hotdog sausage completely in dough and then bake in oil, bite the head off, squirt in mustard and ketchup. Nice hot dogs.
Roll the vetkoek dough out to 0.5 cm thickness. Cut circles and form over a round glass or tin bowl (or over the back of a muffin pan). Let rise if chosen, or bake right away in a 180°C oven till browned. Turn over, remove mould, bake until inside is brown (few minutes). Use as dip bowls or fill with savoury filling for a quick happie.
Quick Snacks:
Roll dough to 0.5 cm. Spread Nutella (or any other spread), roll up in sausage, cut rounds, bake on a sheet for a quick lunch for kids.
Rol deeg uit in sirkel. Plaas gaar rol boerewors bo-op met spasie tussen coils. Maak gaatjie in middel en vorm deeg oor binneste coil. Doen dieselfde met buitenste sirkel. Strooi gerasperde kaas tussen sirkels wors. Sprinkel met gekapte tamaties (sonder sap), oregano en knoffel. Bak 25 minute teen 180°C. Bedien.
Folded Pizza(Calzone)
Roll out dough and cut circles of ± 15 m in diameter. Add tomato sauce (cook your own, don’t be lazy) and filling with generous amounts of cheese and fresh herbs on the middle line. Fold edges together lengthwise, not touching at the top & pinch the ends closest to your hands. Brush with egg wash and bake 12 – 15 min in a 220°C oven or longer, at lower temps.
Make Ka’ak: (no not THAT kind!)
Shape rounds of dough, punch a hole in the middle and massage into rings. Place on a baking sheet and egg wash, then sprinkle sesame seeds on liberally. Let rise, then bake at 200°C for 20 – 25 minutes. You can also place a whole washed raw egg (in the shell) in the middle of each, by end of baking it should be just hard boiled.
Cinnamon rolls:
Roll the dough into a rectangle, brush with butter, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and chopped nuts. Roll up. Cut into 2cm circles with dental floss, place side up in a baking pan. Let rise to double. Pour over half a cup cream, bake at 180°C for half an hour. Drizzle with milk, icing sugar and vanilla glaze when cold.
Parmesan, Garlic and Herb Dinner Rolls:
Divide dough into 16 equal pieces and shape into balls. Place rolls on a baking paper lined baking sheet. Spray rolls with cooking spray or egg wash and sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and garlic and herb seasoning. Bake at 200°C for 15 – 20 min, until golden brown.
Knead defrosted dough with extra flour and let rise again. Press flat, drizzle with olive oil and garlic/herbs. Bake 8 minutes at 220°C. Remove from oven, cover with first cheese (tasty/mild + Mozzarella) then toppings of choice. Bake for 8 more minutes until cheese has melted and topping is warm. Can make individual little pizzas and prebake. Then let every member of the family assemble their own.
Pot Pie:
Spoon pot pie filling into small baking dishes. Roll dough and cut into shapes slightly larger than the top of your baking dish. Place the dough over filling and pinch the edges to seal the dough to the dish. Make a few small slits in the dough allow steam to escape during baking. Bake at 180°C for 20 -25 minutes, until the dough is golden brown.
Rol deeg uit en sny 3 ewe groot sirkels, smeer lekker dik met konfyt of Nutella, sit sirkel oor en herhaal. Sit ‘n tot glasie in die middel en sny van glasie tot rand in verskeie plekke elk 2 cm breed op die rand. Draai elke vingertjie paar keer om sodat vulsel wys. Laat rys en bak teen 180°C vir 20 – 25 minute. Jy kan ook melktertvulsel en kaneel gebruik, of Marmite en kaas, of roomkaas met fyn biltong.
Rol deeg dun uit, sny in 2 ewe groot vierkante. Smeer liggies met gesmelte botter. Sprinkel met sterk kaas (Parmesan/tasty of mengsel). Strooi gekapte kruie van keuse oor (roosmaryn, tiemie etc). Smeer tweede stuk ook met botter en plaas onderstebo op eerste. Druk goed vas. Sny in dun vingers, en draai elke vinger ‘n paar keer. Bak in 200°C oond vir 20 – 25 minute tot gaar. Lekker saam met dip.
Bak jou eie brood:
Laat deeg ontvries, knie af en laat rys dubbel. Druk plat in ‘n reghoek. Rol styf op en plaas met naat ondertoe in ‘n broodpannetjie met bakpapier. Strooi met kaas/sesame of poppiesaad. Laat goed rys, bak teen 180°C vir 35 – 40 minute.
Instant chihuahuas (hot doggies):
Roll deeg sirkels om klein cocktail worsies, met naat bo en moenie heeltemal seël nie sodat worsie deursteek. Bak vir 15 – 20 min teen 180°C. Drizzle met ketchup en mosterd.
Flammkuchen (flatbread)
Laat ongegeurde jogurt dreineer deur ‘n moeseliendoek in sif, smeer dun laag oor meeste van deeg. Laat 1 cm van die rand oop. Versprei daarna uie wat baie stadig gebraai is tot dit sag en bruin is, oor. Sit blobs roomkaas hier en daar, krummel dan gebraaide gekapte bacon oor. Bak in baie warm oond op pizza plaat tot die deeg droog gebak en die rante van die Flammkuchen amper begin skroei. Sny op soos focaccia. Strooi rocket of ander vars kruie oor na dit gebraai het.
Rosemary flatbread (Alistair McLeod):
Blitz coarse salt and rosemary leaves in a food processor. Use some (flavoured if chosen) olive oil to knead through dough. Divide dough in 25 g (half an egg size) balls, and feed through a pasta machine from thickest to as thin as you dare (setting 3 or 2), sprinkle some herbed salt on the last pass, don’t stress if holes form. Place on lined tray, paint with olive oil and sprinkle a bit more salt over. Bake at 170°C for 1 one minute on one side then flip and bake for another 3 to 4 mins until golden and crispy.
Bubble Bread:
Defrost dough, knead and let rise. Knock down, form small (25 g) size balls, and dip each ball in melted, flavoured melted or burnt butter before placing randomly in a bread pan (ring pan works well). Also roll in seeds, cheese etc. Drizzle leftover butter over the top. Let rise to doubled in size, bake for 30 minutes or till done, remove from oven and drizzle with more melted butter. Turn out of pan after 10 minutes and serve. People pinch off balls. Not for dieters.
- Pecan balls:
- 75 ml melted butter
- 75 ml brown sugar
- 30 ml light syrup
- 125 ml pecans, chopped
Mix and spoon in small muffin pan. Roll small balls of dough in cinnamon sugar and place on top of mix. Bake 15 – 20 minutes. Turn out immediately onto wax paper prevent sticking.
Garlic, biltong and blue cheese bread:
Roll out defrosted dough and place in oven roaster, drizzle with olive oil then top with biltong and crumbed blue cheese. Leave to rise 30 minutes and pour over prepared Maggi creamy garlic potato bake. Season with ground black pepper and bake 15 – 20 minutes at 180°C.
Cream Horns:
Roll out very thin, sprinkle lightly with cinnamon sugar while rolling, cut in strips 1.5 cm wide and roll around a cone shaped piece of foil. Freeze for 30 minutes. Bake in deep oil halfway, extract the foil with tongs and return to oil to bake inside. You can remove foil prior to baking but then keep rolling it around to keep hollow. Cool and fill with mocha or caramel cream (add choc and coffee or caramel to whipped cream).
Garlic rolls in Weber:
- Mix together:
- 30 g Parmesan, freshly grated
- 50 g grated Mozzarella
- 100 g grated Cheddar
- 5 ml dried garlic
- 5 ml Italian herbs
- 10 ml garlic
- 125 ml melted butter
Roll small balls of dough and roll flat, spread mix on top, roll up and place in round tin. Let rise to double in size, bake in oven or weber.
Kaas “traffic light” balle:
Ontvries deeg, meng een geklitste eier en half elke van rooi, geel en groen capsicum (gekap) by dit, knie goed deur en laat rys weer. Maak klein balletjies, druk ‘n kaas-blokkie in elkeen en ryg 3 op ‘n sosatie-stokkie. Bak in warm olie of oor vuur vir ‘n bykossie.
Cheesy “traffic light” balls:
Defrost dough, mix in one beaten egg and half each of red, yellow and green capsicum (chopped) then let rise in bowl, Make small balls, press a block of cheese in each and cover. Put a kekab stick through 3, let rise again and fry in hot oil or over coals.
Cheesy bread loaves:
Defrost dough, knead in 1 beaten egg and 2 cups of shredded cheese. Divide into 4 loaves and sprinkle with sesame or poppy seeds, then cut with scissors on angle and bend tips over backwards. Rise to doubled and bake 30 minutes at 180°C.
Pita Bread:
Defrost dough. Roll out on floured surface, fold in half and roll again. Use a saucer to press into dough, then cut around with a sharp knife. Flour well top and bottom and leave on baking paper squares to rise for 10 minutes. Bake 2 at a time, spray with water to enhance puff. Bake in very hot oven (200°C) on pre-heated cast iron pan or pizza ceramic for 2 minutes or till puffed, turn over with tongs and bake another minute. Repeat until all have been baked.
Not so flat bread:
Defrost dough. Knead through to remove cold spots. Roll in ball and press flat in a baking paper-lined round pan or pizza pan. Cut in quarters then each ¼ in 3 pieces, ending with 12 wedges. Cut a long strip of soft white cheese (or any cheese) and insert in cuts. Let rise 30 minutes. Brush with egg yolk and sprinkle with black sesame or poppy seed. Bake 25 minutes at 180°C. Serve with braaivleis, or with stew.
Knoffelroom bolle:
Knead defrosted dough down with 5 ml of garlic flakes and 5 ml chopped parsley. Make small balls with a cube of cheese inside, arrange in a round baking dish. Pour 200 ml cream over the top, sprinkle with parsley or grated cheese and bake for 35 – 40 minutes in 180°C oven.
ALT: mix 1 packet Potato Bake in with cream.
Soet bolletjies:
Maak 12 bolletjies, gooi bietjie van 125 ml bruinsuiker onder in pan en res in bakkie. Druk kante van bolletjie in suiker en plaas in pan. Los plek vir rys. Sprinkel res van suiker tussen kante / bo-op en gooi room oor. Laat rys tot dubbel, bak 180°C vir 30 – 40 minute.
Knie ontvriesde deeg af. Meng met knoffel of kruie of gebraaide uie, of gebruik net so. Plaas in gietysterpot en laat rys dubbel. Bak met kole rondom, of in 180° oond vir 40 – 50 minute of tot hol klink.
NAAN bread:
Defrost dough and knock down. Make balls and roll it out on a floured or oiled surface to 1 cm thick. Heat a heavy skillet to really hot, they need to cook instantly. Cook 1 – 2 minutes per side. Enjoy.
Boerie rolle:
Druk die vleis uit ‘n rol boerewors (in ‘n reguit lyn maar hou dit in ‘n worsie vorm) op ‘n bakplaat met bakpapier. Bak vir 20+ minute tot gaar. Koel af. Rol deeg uit en rol om wors en seël kante. Bak of in oond of in olie, of vries nou vir later gebruik. Vinnige kosblik idee as jy nie weet wat om te maak nie.
ALT: smeer deeg met ketchup en mosterd voor jy vleis opsit.
ALT2: maak maalvleis met uie, aartappels en wortel, maak fyn en gebruik koud in die deeg.
Breakfast buns:
Knead fried bacon and onion through dough. Make balls on baking sheet with room in between to rise. Press 1 oiled shot glass in the centre of each, leave in and let rise covered for 1 hour. Remove glasses, break 1 egg into each hole, season egg and bake for 30 minutes at 180°C.
Braai bubble brood:
Maak klein balletjies van deeg, plaas in oondpan, voeg blikkie tamatiesmoorsous (of oorskiet van laaste braaisous) bo-oor, dan klein blikkie room (of 200 ml vars). Bak vir 25 – 30 minute teen 180°C.
Potbrood met roomkaas:
Pak deegbolletjies (tafeltennisbal grootte) teen die kante van ‘n gesmeerde swartpot in ‘n sirkel en plaas ‘n plat stukkie ronde deeg in die middel. Meng roomkaas, gerasperde Mozzarella en Parmesan met tiemie en pietersielie en knoffel en skep op die ronde degie in die middel. Smelt botter, knoffel en pietersielie. Laat rys tot dubbel (1 hr), borsel bottermengsel oor die hele brood en bak op matige kole onder en op deksel vir omtrent 45 min.
Geplaas deur Kiti de Jager
Foto: Kiti de Jager