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Staan eerder nou voor die stoof as oor die Feesdae… vries in porsies met sous.
Ek pak in Ziploc sakkies en verdeel dan stroop tussen die pakkies. Ontvries vorige aand in yskas en maak net warm in mikrogolf. Vir 1 persoon 2 koekies.

  • 500 ml gaar boerpampoen
  • 250 ml gesifte koekmeel
  • 10 ml bakpoeier
  • 2 ml sout
  • 1 geklitste eier
  • kookolie
  • Sous:
  • 15 ml botter/margarien
  • 200 ml suiker
  • 200 ml melk
  • 15 ml mielieblom
  • 175 ml koue water
  • 5 ml vanilla/karamel geursel

Maak gaar pampoen goed fyn. Voeg meel, bakpoeier, sout en eier by en meng goed.
Plaas pan op stoof met olie en laat olie warm word.
Skep lepels vol van die mengsel in warm olie, druk effens plat en bak tot weerskante goudbruin en gaar.

Pasop dat die olie nie te warm is nie, dan brand die koekies voordat hulle gaar is.
Dreineer op kombuispapier en skep in opdienskottel.
Verhit botter, suiker en melk tot kookpunt. Los mielieblom in water op en roer in ‘n straaltjie by die melkmengsel. Voeg geursel by, kook tot verlangde dikte en gooi oor warm koekies. Dien warm op.

Resep:  Amanda Conradie
Foto: Elize de Kock


  • Fritters:
  • 2 cups pumpkin, cooked, mashed and well-drained
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup cake flour
  • 1 egg beaten
  • 3 teaspoons (15 ml) baking powder
  • oil for frying
  • Syrup:
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon butter or margarine
  • 1 cup (250 ml) milk
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) Maizena
  • ½ cup cold water
  • 1 teaspoon caramel essence

Ensure that the cooked pumpkin is well drained.
Beat egg, add to pumpkin and mix.
Sift the flour, salt and baking powder together and mix with pumpkin to form a soft dough.
Heat oil in a saucepan over medium heat.
Scoop batter into frying oil using a dessertspoon and fry until light brown and cooked through.
Drain on kitchen paper.
Keep warm in serving dish.
Add a little of the cold water to the Maizena and mix to form a smooth paste.
Heat the milk in a saucepan and dissolve the sugar in it.
Add butter and bring to the boil.
Stir in the Maizena paste and boil for a minute.
Stir in the essence.
Pour sauce over warm fritters and serve immediately

Photo and recipe: Elize de Kock

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