- 2 eetlepels botter/margarien
- ¾ eetlepel koekmeel
- 1 koppie gerasperde kaas
- ± 200 ml melk
Smelt botter op lae hitte.
Voeg by meel, dit sal amper bal vorm, gooi dan stadig melk in en klits heeltyd tot gladde tekstuur.
Indien die sous te dik is, gooi nog melk by.
Wanneer die verlangde tekstuur verkry is, sit die kaas by om te smelt.
Bedien dan saam pannekoek gevul met maalvleis of hoender of lekker vars groente – geniet!
- Pancake:
- 2 cup flour
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup water
- ½ teaspoon salt
Mix together, if too thick add little water, not to runny.
Makes approx 12 – 14. Remainder of pancakes: sprinkle cinnamon sugar over and roll up and enjoy.
- Filling:
- 250 g mince
- 1 small diced onion
- spices and salt to taste
Add your spices and diced onion to taste and cook until all liquid is gone. Fill pancakes with the mince and add sauce.
Resep en foto: Walter Bender