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All the ingredients measurements are approximate – this is a very forgiving recipe, so please adjust according to taste!!

  • 500 – 550 g celery stalks
  • 15 ml medium Rajah curry powder
  • 35 ml raw brown sugar
  • 35 ml Vegan + 15 ml Soy Nut Milk
  • 450 g veganaise
  • 125 g pitted raisins
  • 125 g chopped raw pecan nuts

Wash, dry and cut celery stalks thinly and set aside.

In a bottle with a seal-able lid, mix together the curry powder, the 35 ml milk and the brown sugar to form a paste.
Add to the above paste the veganaise.
Seal the bottle and shake it vigorously until well blended.
Taste and if needed, adjust to your liking.

In a salad bowl add the cut celery.
Pour the sauce over the celery and with a spatula mix through until celery properly coated.
Add the remaining milk in the bottle and again shake it up, in order to get all the remaining sauce out of the bottle (waste not, want not).
Add raisins and nut mixture (keep some aside for decoration)
Mix again and then decorate with remaining raisins and nuts.
Best made a day or two ahead as the flavors need to mingle a bit!

Chef’s tips:
You can add more curry powder, or use a stronger flavor curry powder, as this all depends on your own liking and taste buds.
You may also use regular mayonnaise and regular milk.

Prepared, tried and tested Esme Slabs’s Sister-in-law from South Africa while visiting in Canada
Recipe posted by Esme Slabs
Photo: Esme Slabs


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