Your Recipe Blog



It’s a beautiful day in Cape Town and I’m having one of my favorite thirst quencher.

  • Ginger beer syrup:
  • 200 g fresh ginger, roughly chopped
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 1½ cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • ½ cup honey

In a sauce pan add the sugar and a cup of water and heat on medium heat until sugar dissolves and syrupy.
In a blender add chopped ginger and 1 cup water and blend until smooth.
Strain the liquid into a bowl.
Transfer back the ginger pulp into the blender and add the rest of the water.
Blend once more until smooth.
Strain again and using the back of the spoon squeeze as much of the juice as you can, then discard the pulp.
Pour the liquid back into the blender, add the sugar syrup, honey and the lemon juice.
Blend again until smooth.
Pour the syrup into the ice tray and freeze.

To serve:
In a glass put 4 ginger syrup cubes, (depends on your taste) add soda water and a squeeze of lemon or lime juice.
Garnish with mint and candied ginger.

Source and photo: Siphokazi Mdlankomo

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