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Roosterkoek (loosely based on Justin Bonello’s recipe from “Cooked in Africa”)

  • Firstly activate the yeast by mixing the following:
  • 5 ml sugar
  • 10 ml dried yeast
  • 100 ml lukewarm water

Sprinkle a tablespoon of flour on top to prevent the mixture from getting a dry crust.
Leave in a warm spot for 10 minutes or until frothy.

  • Dough:
  • 400 g flour (I used cake flour but you can substitute with bread flour)
  • pinch of salt
  • 60 g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • sunflower oil

Sieve the flour and salt into a mixing bowl.
I grated the butter on top of the flour before rubbing it into the flour.
Beat the eggs with a fork and pour into the yeast mixture.
Make a hollow in the flour, pour the egg and yeast mixture in and knead well until you have a soft, pliable dough.
Brush the dough with sunflower oil, place in a big bowl and cover with cling wrap or a damp tea towel.
Let it rise in a warm spot until doubled in size (about 40 minutes).
Knead the dough once more.
Shape as required.
Put on top of a well floured surface, sprinkle with a bit of flour, cover with a damp tea towel and allow to rise again for about 30 minutes.

Put on the grid over medium heat and bake until cooked through on both sides.

*I added chopped peppadews, grated garlic and lemon and black pepper seasoning to my dry flour before adding the yeast mixture.
You can add chopped olives, sundried tomatoes, feta cheese etc.

Recipe posted by Elsabie Templeton
Photo: Elsabie Templeton

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