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Cook: 28-30 minutes | Servings: 2 small loaves


Ek het die Italiaanse mieliepap broodjie gebak wat vroeër die week gedeel is (Milk Bread with Corn Meal). Dit is voorwaar ‘n wenresep. Dit is ‘n baie sagte broodjie, met ‘n sagte korsie ook. Dit proe soos gewone witbrood, met net ‘n sweempie van mieliepap. Iemand wat nie weet dit is mieliemeel brood nie sou dit nie kon raai nie. Die smaak is neutraal, nie juis soet óf sout nie. Mens kan dit dus bedien saam met enige smere.

Die resep is vertaal uit Italiaans en die bestanddele is nie heeltemal korrek nie. Hulle praat van “corn flour”, wat ons ken as Maizena, maar “farina di mais” is eintlik fyn, geel mieliemeel of polenta. Ek het “fine cornmeal” gebruik, maar ek is seker enige fyn mieliemeel waarvan pap gekook kan word, sal werk.

Die resep word gemaak in ‘n elektriese menger en ek sou dit nie met die hand aanpak nie. Die deeg is baie slap en nat, dit word vir 25 minute in die menger rond geslinger. Ek dink dit sal ‘n uur se werk neem as mens dit met die hand sou probeer meng.

Vars gis is gewoonlik beskikbaar by supermarkte se bakkery afdelings. Ek hou myne in die vrieskas. Ek is seker ‘n doodgewone pakkie kitsgis sal net so goed werk.

Ek het die ovaal broodpannetjies aangeskaf spesifiek vir hierdie resep, dit is redelike klein pannetjies. Ek skat dit is die helfte van ‘n standaard broodpan se grootte. Bak in enige pan, pas net die tyd aan. Ek het die gebakte brood se temperatuur gemeet, dit het 98°C bereik. Vir melkbrood is 93°C die minimum temperatuur wat behaal moet word, om te verseker dat die brood deurgaar is. Ek het my broodjies vir 5 minute langer gebak as wat die resep voorgestel het.

Daar is ‘n uiters behulpsame video op die oorspronklike webblad, wat wys presies hoe die deeg gevorm moet word. Dit is alles in Italiaans, maar die tegniek wat gedemonstreer word, verseker ‘n suksesvolle resultaat.

  • Dough:
  • ⅓ cup + 2 tablespoons (80 g) corn flour (fine maize flour)
  • 1 cup + 1 tablespoon + 2 teaspoons (250 g) water
  • 1.5 teaspoon (7 g) superfine granulated sugar
  • 1.5 teaspoon (7 g) salt
  • 3.5 tablespoons (50 g) diced, unsalted butter
  • 1.5 cups (200 g) bread flour
  • 1+ ⅛ cups (150 g) cake flour
  • 4 tablespoons (60 g) full fat milk
  • 1 large (60 g) whole egg
  • ⅕ oz (5 g) fresh yeast
  • whole egg to brush
  • corn flour (fine maize flour)

In a small pan, pour water with sugar and salt and corn flour.
Cook, stirring constantly until the water is completely absorbed and the mixture starts boiling.
Out of the heat, add butter, stir to melt and let completely cool.
In a small bowl, combine and whisk whole egg with milk and set aside.
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with hook attachment, pour the cooled corn flour mixture, sifted flours and fresh yeast.
Pour egg/milk mixture and knead on low speed (speed 1 Kitchen Aid) for 5 minutes.
When a rough dough is formed, increase speed and knead on speed 2 for 15/20 minutes.
Pour the dough on a lightly floured table, make some folds, and shape the dough into a ball.
Place the dough in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise until double in size.
Deflate the dough, weigh the dough and and divide it into 2 equal parts and shape 2 small balls.
Butter 2 oval moulds (8 inches in length, 2 inches in high and 4 inches in width) and set aside.
Turn the dough balls over so that the folds are upwards, with a rolling pin roll the dough giving into a rectangular shape.
Roll the dough to shape an 8 inches log and seal the edges.
Cut the log in half and then any part in half again.
Place the log in the mould, cover with plastic wrap and set aside to rise until double in size.
Repeat with the other dough ball.
Heat fan oven at 320ºF / 160°C.
Brush the bread with beaten egg and dust the surface with corn flour.
Bake for about 28 minutes.
Remove from the mould, let cool and enjoy.

Recipe tested and photo: Amanda Cook

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