- 500 ml (280 g) cake flour
- 10 ml baking powder
- 1 ml salt
- 50 ml (40 g) castor sugar
- 125 g margarine
- 3 large eggs, separated
- 50 ml water
- 200 g smooth apricot jam
- 300 ml (240 g) sugar
- 500 ml (160 g) desiccated coconut
Sift the flour, baking powder and salt together. Add castor sugar and rub in margarine.
Beat egg yolks and water together and add to dry ingredients, mixing to form a soft dough.
Roll dough out thinly and press out circles. Line the base of greased patty pan tins with dough circles.
Spoon a teaspoonful of apricot jam onto middle of each circle of dough.
Beat egg whites until soft peak stage. Add the 300 ml sugar gradually, while still beating.
Add coconut and spoon egg mixture onto apricot jam filling.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180ºC for 20 – 25 min.
Turn onto a wire rack.
Recipe : Nicolette Papas
Photo: Esmerie Schoeman