Hier my resep vir klapper doppies, maar ook klapperkoekies en mens kan 1 koppie klapper vervang met bosbessies (cranberries) of neute of choc chips alles is moontlik!! Jy kan die deeg bak as koekies dan het jy jou eie Tennisbeskuitjies 🙂 My own Tennis Biscuit recipe.
- 250 g butter (not margarine – real butter)
- 500 g sugar
- 3 eggs
- 1 teaspoon coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 to 2 cups coconut
- 500 g self-raising flour
You might need more flour so keep a cup extra and add as needed.
Sift the flour, add salt and rub the butter in with your hands ( I freeze the butter then rasp it in)
Add 1 by 1 egg and add coconut, sugar and oil in as you go!
You should have a very dry stiff dough.
Divide into 2 and put in a sip-lock bag and let it stand for a while in fridge.
Kneed when needed into a soft workable dough and roll out or use as wanted.
Bake at 180 ºC for 10 min or till bake completely.
It can be used for a base for milktart, peppermint crisp tart or any other tart if you like a Tennis biscuit base.
Recipe and photo:Â Nathalie Jessica Koekemoer