Het gister die resep probeer. Die vorige twee resepte wat ek uit ons eie tydskrifte getoets het uit vorige jare se “beste” was effe moeiliker. Die een is sovêr die maklikste. Alhoewel hulle heerlik lyk as hulle langer is, verkies ek die korter Churros. Dit dien dan as ‘n aangename “Finger Snack” vir partytjies en saamkuier. En hou by een eier. Gebruik ook eerder donker sjokolade. Anders is dit te soet.
- 1 cup (250 ml) water
- ¼ cup (56 g) unsalted butter, diced into small cubes
- 1 tablespoons (13 g) granulated sugar
- ¼ tablespoon salt
- 1 cup (141 g) all-purpose flour
- 1 large egg
- ½ tablespoon vanilla extract
- vegetable oil, for frying
- For coating
- ½ cup (100 g) granulated sugar
- ¾ table spoon ground cinnamon
For the coating whisk together ½ cup sugar and cinnamon in a shallow dish, set aside.
Heat about 1 ½ inches vegetable oil in a large pot or deep skillet over medium-high heat to 360 degrees Fahrenheit. While oil is heating prepare batter.
Add water, butter, sugar and salt to a large saucepan, bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
Add flour, reduce heat to medium-low, cook and stir constantly with a rubber spatula until mixture comes together and is smooth (a few lumps in it are fine).
Transfer mixture to a large mixing bowl, let cool 5 minutes.
Add vanilla and egg to flour mixture then blend immediately with an electric mixer.
Blend until mixture comes together and is smooth (it will separate at first but keep mixing it will come together).
Transfer to a 16-inch piping bag fitted with a rounded star tip (no bigger than ½-inch).
Carefully pipe mixture into preheated oil, into about 6-inch lengths, cut end with clean scissors.
Let fry until golden brown, about 2 minutes per side. Transfer to paper towels to dry briefly then transfer to cinnamon sugar mixture and roll to coat.
Repeat process with remaining dough (frying no more than 5 at once).
Serve warm with chocolate ganache or caramel sauce for dipping if desired.
Resep geplaas deur Anton Groenewald
Foto: Anton Groenewald